Sunday, October 15, 2006

Opening Up

Due to continued hounding by friends and co-workers, I have decided to jump into the blogosphere. I am doubting my ability to continually provide interesting posts, but I guess I can try.

I will comment on local and national politics, business, American culture, and generally anything that catches my interest. Although, at this point I don't want to end up like that guy in the Sonic commercial who is essentially writing for his mother and neighbor to read.

Anyhow, I will do my best to stay interesting.


Urban Docent said...

Rock rock on!!!

MTHEORY said...

I'd like to hear about the traffic situation in Sandy Springs...

The Not Blogger said...

Uh . . . where be the updates?

Jeff said...

No posts = waste of Internet

MTHEORY said...

It's called an "on" button. Usually found on the back of your computer...

Urban Docent said...

I like what you’ve done with the place. I, too, enjoy the minimalist look . . .